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Friday, August 26, 2011

Soundtrack to Your Escape from Hurricane Irene!

Picture of Model Irene Suarez!

With all the hype about Hurricane Irene, we figured we'd give our East Coast fans something to watch and listen as you prepare for mother natures punch in the face! But before we present to you our "Soundtrack to Hurricane Irene", this is what you need in order to survive a Hurricane:

- Non-perishable food
- Snacks \m/
- Drinking water
- Beer \m/
- Batteries
- Metallica's "Battery" at full volume \m/
- Medication for all family members
- Smoke \m/
- First aid kit
- Aspirin in case of a hangover \m/
- Flashlights
- A lighter for your Smoke \m/
- Battery-operated radio
- Charged iPod loaded with Heavy Music \m/
- Cash
- Your Pantera Checkbook \m/
- Toiletries
- Slayer condoms \m/
- Clothing
- Band t-shirts \m/

\m/ Extra items for you to kill time & stay sane!

Related links:
Preparing for a Hurricane

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